Species detection
Software version: 1.0.0 (2023-03)
Database version: December, 2016 (https://github.com/BenLangmead/aws-indexes/blob/master/docs/centrifuge.md)

Example sequence format

Please make sure you fill in the correct email address,
the software will take some time to run, we will send the result file to your email.

The data type should be:
    Metagenomic next-generation sequencing Third generation sequencing(TGS)

Please upload fq file which removed human reads, thanks

The following command are used to detect species
centrifuge -p 8 --met 5 --time --ignore-quals
    -S sample_name_result.tsv --report-file sample_name_filtlong_report.tsv
    -x centrifuge_database -U sample_name.fq.gz

Choose file:
